पता : कन्या गुरुकुल महाविद्यालय,
60, राजपुर रोड, देहरादून
टेलीफोन : 9761219696 (प्रधानाचार्य)
9412997659, 8923014011

ईमेल : kanyagurukuldehradun@gmail.com

ऑनलाइन आवेदन

Name : *
Date of Birth : *
Class in which studying : *
Class applied for : *
Name & address of present school & duration of attendance : *
Does the child enjoy good health and joins all normal activities?: *
Yes No
Father's Name : *
Mother's Name : *
Complete Address : *
Phone : *
Fax :
Your Email Id : *
Local Guardian : *
Parent to whom accounts and reports are to be sent : *
Enter The Code : *